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Now downloading free:xerox Engineering Response to the Star LSI Workstation Goals Ver 2.0 May79

xerox Engineering Response to the Star LSI Workstation Goals Ver 2.0 May79 free download

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File name:Engineering_Response_to_the_Star_LSI_Workstation_Goals_Ver_2.0_May79.pdf
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File name Engineering_Response_to_the_Star_LSI_Workstation_Goals_Ver_2.0_May79.pdf

Engineering Response to the Star LSI Workstation Goals Version 2.0 May 1979 The Star LSI Workstation Goals document sets guidelines for the implementation of a low cost workstation (terminal, processor, and peripherals) for the OIS Star product. This document responds to those goals. Version 2.0 represents current thinking concerning the design of the Star LSI Workstation. The reader is encouraged to send comments to Bob Belleville (Belleville @ ParcMaxc or 8*923*4520). This file is stored on [I.RIS] (Wortstation) LsiWS 2.0 ) Prepared by Robert L. Belleville SDD Workstation Design Approved by Ed Miller SDD System Design and Test Approved by Hal LaZar SDD Technical Program Office Approved by David E. Liddle SDD XEROX Systems Development Department 3408 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, California 94304 This document is Xerox Private Data. Engineering Response to the Star LSI Workstation Goals - May 1979 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Mandatory References 1 3. Informational References 2 4. General Requirements 3 5. System Concepts 4 6. Workstation Configuration 6 7. UMC Estimate 9 8. Performance/Physical Characteristics 9 9. Graphic Output 9 10. IMO 9 11. Cost of Ownership 9 Engineering Response to the Star LSI Workstation Goals - May 1979 1 Engineering Response to the Star LSI Workstation Goals 1. Introduction, Conclusions, and Recomendations' The Star LSI Workstation Goals document [reference 1) sets guidelines for the implementation of a low cost workstation (terminal, processor, and peripherals) for the OIS Star product. This document responds to those goals. Between October 1978 and April 1979 a number of studies have been conducted to determine the most appropiate implementation for the workstation. The October study, reference (10), made a broad investigation of possible design approaches. In addition, this study carefully evaluated a synchronous design approach, developed by Butler Lampson (PARC) reference (2), in view of the goals. The recomendation of the October study was to pursue the synchronous approach. During January and

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